September 11, 2007

September 11, 2007

As one adventure ends, another one begins........

What a fabulous summer we have had in Maryland. We are leaving Cherry Hill Campground in the morning, its a bittersweet experience. Cherry Hill Campground is a first class campground and we are proud we were part of the team if only for a short while. The folks we have worked with have been a lot of fun, we have seen so many sights and the weather has been fantastic , we have eaten Maryland Blue Crab, and we did extensive research to find the best of the best crabcakes. We have a winner

On to our next adventure.... this fall we have decided to manage a Pumpkin Lot, in Saratoga, CA . We don't know too much about what this will entail, except we do know it involves pumpkins, scarecrows and a petting zoo we all know what animals do !! YIKES!!! Stay Tuned......

I hope that you all had the most fantastic summer!!!!