April 10, 2008

Play Ball.........

We took our Grandson Jeff to a Modesto Nuts baseball game. The Nuts are a single A minor league. When we walked thru the gate Jeff was asked if he wanted to start the game tonight by announcing "Play Ball" and I must say he got a huge round of applause from the audience and the cameraman said he was a natural (well of course) he was so excited about that. We all had a great evening. Jeff's face was on the Jumbo Tron so much he got a big kick out of that.

Grandpa and Jeff best seats in the house

Jeff after he announced "PLAY BALL" in a very big voice

Jeff and the Mascot Al the Almond

Jeff getting an autograph on his ball from one of the players- Priceless
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We will be hanging out in the San Fransisco Bay Area for a few more weeks spending time with family. Our summer travel plans are the Maritimes and New Foundland. With a stop in Indiana at Newmar for a 3 week appointment-All of the fiberglass has to be replaced and then Charlotte Michigan for the Spartan Homecoming Rally.